If the bot only uploaded a copy, then this Peter is essentially a clone and possibly an imperfect one at that. Is it Peter’s memories, his brain patterns, his soul still within the body or his ghost outside of it? The answer could have huge ramifications. Much to his chagrin, he instinctively does right thing but at the end of the first issue it’s revealed that some remnant of Peter is directly exerting its will over him. The experience seems to rub off on Otto and he assumes the mantle of Spider-Man in Superior Spider-Man. It creates a link that gives Otto Octavius a ringside seat as Peter’s life flashes before his eyes just before he dies. It’s not a complete loss though, the bot is able beam a partial upload. Assuming it’s not a hallucination, it means they soul swapped as well as mind swapped, which is significant.īefore Doc Ock’s body gives out, Peter attempts to swap back using the same Ock bot that transferred their brainwaves but it’s blocked by what I like to call a cranial chastity belt. Peter must first stop Doc Ock from destroying everything he’s built, including Spider-Man’s legacy. In issue #700 Peter has another near death experience and meets his uncle Ben, who says it’s not his time … yet. Peter dies while trapped in Doc Ock’s body but is resuscitated.

In Amazing Spider-Man #698, Peter Parker swaps minds with Doctor Octopus, who is dying after years of pummelings at the hands of Spidey. Superior Spider-Man is shaping up to be a modern day Clone Saga and just as ‘popular.’ The only difference is this time we know who the real Spider-Man is or do we?